무료 배송
해당 상품은 미국 내에서만 배송이 존재합니다.(하와이,알래스카 지역 제외)
무료 배송
해당 상품은 미국 내에서만 배송이 존재합니다.(하와이,알래스카 지역 제외)
결제 완료 후 주문 금액과 송장을 포함한 확인 이메일이 전송됩니다.
주문이 완료되고 나면 배송 시간은 대략 3일~ 최대 5일 정도 소요됩니다.
배송이 완료되었습니다. 배송 추적 번호와 송장이 첨부되어 확인 이메일을 받았습니다.
변심 : 판매자 후 15일까지 신청/접수 가능합니다.
상품 소매 : 상품 수렵 후 30일 반품 신청/접수 가능합니다.
레이블 사냥꾼 후 2주 안에 있는 상품을 회수해가야 합니다.
ODK SHOP의 벤더들은 교환을 해드리지 않습니다.
변명의 여지가 있는 경우 취소 후 재주문을 하셔야 합니다.
자세한 내용은 배송/환불 규정을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
A growing amount of evidence suggests that drinking hexagonal water has numerous health benefits…. so why not be able to drink all you want?
The Vitalizer Plus was designed to create an unlimited supply of hexagonal water for every day consumption – it’s small enough to sit on your kitchen counter – durable enough to make all the hexagonal water you will ever need! The Vitalizer Plus incorporates basic principles utilized in nature to create the life-enhancing, hexagonally-structured water, your body craves!
Nature uses movement (swirling vortexes and natural curves), energy (magnetic fields from the earth and far infrared energy from the sun), minerals (naturally dissolved and ionized as water flows over mineral formations) and oxygen (incorporated as water splashes and falls). The Vitalizer Plus uses these same principles, to create vitalized water in your own home!
Vitalized Water is hexagonally-structured – composed of six individual molecules of water, held together by common hydrogen bonds. This unique water structure is capable of rapid penetration within the cells of your body. Hexagonal water has been documented to improve hydration, nutrient delivery, waste removal, cellular communication and metabolic efficiency.
Vitalized Water contains more oxygen. The Vitalizer Plus creates a vortex of spinning water – incorporating oxygen just like it happens in nature. Vitalized water contains up to 30% more oxygen than normal water!
Vitalized water contains ionized, structure-making minerals – helpful in maintaining the stability of the hexagonal structure. These minerals alkalize the water – significantly raising the pH. Vitalized water is highly energized. The energetic forces used in the Vitalizer Plus contribute to the creation of energized, electron-rich water, conducive to life and health.
The Vitalizer Plus – How it works
The Vitalizer Plus is similar to a blender – and about the same size. Simply plug it in, and 3 different time settings allow you to energize your water to a personal level of preference.
The Vitalizer Plus changes any good drinking water into a highly energetic, hexagonally-structured beverage to quench your thirst and much more! (not intended as a water purifier. Do not use chlorinated or fluoridated tap water in the Vitalizer Plus)
Vitalized water is wonderful for mixing with soups, juices and other preparations. You’ll add vital energy to everything you make. And don’t forget your pets and plants. All biological organisms prefer hexagonal water. It works for them just like it works for you.
For just pennies a day, you can drink all the hexagonal water you want.
The Technology and design of the Vitalizer Plus are unique. They are protected by US and foreign patents.
The Vitalizer Plus is made from the finest, durable materials – 1 year repair/replacement guarantee.