휴캄 딥 클렌징 세트 (클렌징 밤 + 클렌징 폼)


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Coconut Moisturizing Cleansing Balm


Formulated with 70% Plant Based Ingredient

100 ml / 3.38 fl. oz.


Wash Away Your Day

With a rich, sorbet-like texture, this cleansing balm melts away extra sebum or stubborn makeup without leaving behind an oily residue, while also helping to soften and protect your skin. Our mild formula is gentle, yet powerful, using natural and 70% plant-based ingredients to leave your skin clean and hydrated while protecting your skin's natural moisture layer.


Why We Love It

• Triple Texture Experience: Our sherbet formula melts into a cleansing oil as it is rubbed into the skin. Upon making contact with water, the oil turns milky allowing the cleanser to easily wash off the skin, taking dirt and make-up with it.

• 70% Plant-Based Ingredients: Replacing harmful surfactants are highly enriched botanical ingredients, including coconut oil, coconut extract and other plant-based natural ingredients to gently stick to dirt and dust.

• Sensitive Skin Approved: This mild cleanser might be gentle but it certainly packs a punch. Make-up, dirt and dust don't stand a chance. 

• All Natural: Free from artificial color and fragrance, as well as twenty other harmful chemicals.



Heartleaf Calming Cleansing Foam


100% Vegan Formula

120 ml / 4.05 fl. oz.


Powerful Cleansing, Calm Skin


Today's cleansing is tomorrow's perfect skin. Give your skin a treat with this gentle, calming cleansing foam to rid it of all the dirt and dust collected throughout the day. While this cleaner may be mild, it is effective in removing even the toughest make-up. Even better, it is made of 100% natural, vegan ingredients! Take a moment to yourself to calm your mind while nature alleviates your skin.


Why We Love It

• Low-pH Formula: The mild foam contains a low pH level, maintaining the skin's ideal pH balance.

• Gentle But Mighty: The low-irritant foam has been proven to remove 99% of fine dust as well as sunscreen residue, ensuring thoroughly clean skin.

• Soft and Firm Bubbles: Rich and dense foam bubbles tightly adhere to the skin and clears away impurities, leaving the skin clean and extra fresh.

• 100% Vegan: This product has received an Eve Vegan Certification in addition to being free of artificial colors and fragrances.

<구매시 주의 사항>
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